Sunday, February 3, 2008


My fat pants are tight on me. It's at the point where I have to DO something so it looks like it's back to low carb. So for two weeks I can't eat cereal, pasta, fruit, potatoes, sugar . . . and on and on. There isn't too much I can eat besides meat, fish, and veggies.

So I'm sitting here trying to think of what to buy on my Sunday trip to Publix. I'm having steak on the grill for dinner. I don't know if it's gonna be salad or brussel sprouts as an accompaniment. I'm gonna grill a shitload of red peppers with the steaks. I found a recipe for a red pepper gratin and I can eat it.

I went to a pig roast last night in New Smryna with a woman I work with, Marilyn. They did the pig in a pit. (They actually killed it themselves too, but that's another story) Marilyn stuffed it with rice and pineapple. I forgot my freakin' camera and I could have gotten some great pics. They had massive amounts of food. I had baked beans with bacon, a very tasty broccoli casserole ( I have to ask for the recipe), homemade cole slaw, and so much other stuff. The dessert table wasn't too shabby either. I had something called sex cake which was delectable and another cake called a Harvey Wallbanger cake. I also tasted some smooth moonshine.

I spent a good amount of time talking to a woman who was taking pics and she said she'll email me some, so hopefully I'll have a pic of the piggy.

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