I would have it on the first Saturday of Bike Week, but Ricky won't be here yet. My second choice would be on the second Saturday of Bike Week but that is the same day as the party I'm not going to. If I have it on that day, all sorts of accusations will be made. I don't feel like dealing with the bullshit. The first Sunday sounds like the day, but it is far from perfect since Marvin won't be here yet. But depending on how it goes, maybe I'll have TWO. Marvin could come to the second one. Notice how this started out as one brunch and now already I'm having two. I'm like a deranged tattooed Martha Stewart.
But anyhoo . . . check out some of these recipes . . .
Bloody Mary Flank Steaks
Grapefruit Margarita
Orange Cream Mimosa
Melon Juice with Champagne (or Prosecco)
Spicy Citrus Bloody Mary
Champagne Lemonade
Peach Ginger Bellini