Alright . . . I guess the title is overkill. I just don't get to use the word triumphant often and it sounded good.
Once again I return from the deep, dark, sucking hole of life to my food blog. I've missed it. With grad school, it is almost next to impossible to have a lot of fun. It's too time consuming. But I only have two classes left so at least the end is in sight.
I'm on a food kick. I've made chicken Marsala and a Parmesan risotto this week. All of my current desires are food related. I want a kitchen torch (I will make creme brulee and s'more cupcakes!!), a good food processor, a rice steamer, and a pastry bag with lots of piping tips. (Now tell me I'm not a food geek.)
I've also been buying cookbooks. And I need to stop. The deal I made with myself was that I could fill the one bookcase with cookbooks. Then I had to stop and at least sell some if I wanted some new books. I'd say I could jam maybe one more in there.
I have already planned some of my upcoming posts. I have 2 restaurant reviews, recent cookbooks purchases, soon to be arriving cookbooks, and a plethora of recipes. Now let us see if I actually do it.